E-Commerce Expert Plugs Expanding Brands Into An Amazon Scaling Machine That Has Them Struggling To Stay In Stock

Rhonda Swan
3 min readSep 11, 2020

Most companies around the world have been hit hard from the coronavirus, but there’s one that’s thrived like no other: Amazon. Thanks to an increase in online orders, Amazon saw an unprecedented boost in revenue — earning 26% more in the first three months of 2020 alone. At the time of this writing, one share of Amazon sits above $3,000 for the first time in its history.

Many retailers are scrambling to get online and join the e-commerce buying frenzy. Unfortunately, most companies don’t have the expertise or team members needed to adapt to a post-coronavirus world, so they turn to the experts.

Danny Carlson is one such expert. Even with no degree or formal training, Carlson managed to build a Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) business to multiple six figures in less than six months. He used this experience to start, Kenji ROI, to help other brands expand into the ever-growing Amazon marketplace.

Carlson poured every waking moment into building his business. He began sourcing products to add to his ever-growing inventory. His first two products launched at the same time — the first failed, but the other made $10,000 in a month. A month later, Carlson flew to China to source four new products. Kenji ROI was growing faster than he ever anticipated.

A mere three months into Kenji ROI, Carlson made so much money that he finally quit his carpentry job and never looked back. He hung his carpentry degree above his desk as a reminder of how far he’d come and what awaited him if he failed.

Nowadays, Kenji ROI is wildly successful and brings in at least $50,000 each month. The company employs over ten workers, many of whom work remotely. It’s fascinating that Kenji ROI has been profitable since its inception, thanks to consistent revenue and low overhead costs.

Kenji ROI offers brands everything they need to succeed on Amazon: Amazon product photography and videos, copywriting, keyword optimization, PPC management, SEO, and more.

In the past few months, Kenji ROI has been flooded with business requests. Due to the pandemic and quarantine, retailers have had to shut their doors and find new ways to sell their products. Everyone from mom-and-pop shops to specialty stores wants to find new ways to keep income flowing.

“The ecosystem around sellers on Amazon is massively growing,” said Carlson. “Everyone wants a part of the action, including software companies, training, and service providers.”

Carlson’s story is one of reverence and awe. He has built multiple six-figure companies with team members across five different countries. Yet, he still finds time to enjoy the Bali lifestyle by riding motorcycles and practicing standing acrobatics. His life of freedom that once seemed like a pipe dream is now his reality.

There has never been a better time to start and grow an online business. A service-based digital agency is the lowest risk and most accessible to start a business model out there. You don’t need any capital — just your existing skills and hard work. Carlson is giving back his knowledge to the world through his course, Freedom Agency Blueprint. He’ll teach you how to become an entrepreneur and build the kind of life you once only dreamt about.



Rhonda Swan

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